About Us
Donnell Middle School
Welcome to Donnell Middle School! Our goal is to help make the school experience the most enjoyable and successful for each and every Donnell student. We welcome suggestions any time to help make our school even better. Mr. Harp and I can be reached by email through the links on this page. We hope everyone has a great school year!
Donnell Middle School Hours:
Attendance: 844.305.3755
Parents of 7th graders are reminded that students are required to have a TDAP booster and a dose of the Meningococcal vaccine in order to enter the 7th grade. Please make appointments with your doctor or with the Health Dept. early to avoid the beginning of year rush. Documentation of the vaccines must be provided to the office/nurse once completed. See vaccination information regarding the policy.
Attendance Reminder
It is important that you call the attendance number (1-844-305-3755) before 8 a.m. to report your child absent or late. It will not let you enter information after 8 a.m. for the current day. If your child is absent on a 2 hr. Delay day, you still need to call the absence in before 8:00 a.m.
Arrivals / Departures:
Parents – please do not pick up or drop off any students on Baldwin Avenue. Do not pull into the parking lot. All car riders should be dropped off and picked up on Lime Street. It is very dangerous having students run across the street in front of buses. Our students’ safety is our top priority – please use Lime Street. Doors open in the morning at 7:10 a.m. and students are expected to be out of the bldg. and picked up by 2:45 p.m. each day.